Backlinks to KatrinGrosse in all Webs (Search Main Web only)

Results from Main web retrieved at 15:34 (Local)

Patent application number Enter the patent application number here. Enter the patent application number in the report number field. Example: DE10718875.7 Descri...
English Version URL *Tragen Sie hier die url der Publikation ein. Wenn eine DOI vorhanden ist, lassen Sie dieses Feld bitte aus. Beispiel:
JOIN² Logos and Artwork * JOIN² logo as scalable vector graphis (svg): * join2_logo.eps: JOIN² logo as encapsulated postscript (eps) * JOIN² logo ...
English Version Main.KatrinGrosse 06 Feb 2013 GSI KOLLABORATIONEN Bitte bei der Institutsauswahl (neben den Instituten/Abteilungen wie ALICE) auch als Colla...
Deutsche Version Main.KatrinGrosse 06 Feb 2013 GSI COLLABORATIONS When selecting the institute (in addition to the institute/department such as ALICE), plea...
English Version GSI VDB Projekte/Grants Damit ein Veröffentlichungseintrag aus den Abteilungen als VDB relevant öffentlich für die Veröffentlichungsdatenba...
Deutsche Version GSI publications database and project/grants In order for a publication entry from the departments to be released for the GSI publications datab...
Deutsche Version Tips and tricks * General: Board of Directors' resolution: (login credentials required); Video: https://...
Guide Publikationsbeauftragte / Redakteure Login at the right corner at the JOIN2 installation GSI : Please login with your WebLogin/PROZ account here https:...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Import data You can use this field to enter numbers from external bibliographic databases in order to enable the automatic impo...
English Version Russian Version Import data Hier werden Nummern aus externen bibliografischen Datenbanken eingetragen, um die Metadaten zur Publikation automati...
Login DESY User: * Log in to pubdb using you Windows/U*IX login DOOR User * Log in to DOOR using your DOOR Id and password * Scroll down to After Bea...
To define the contribution of people associated with a publication, one has to define their role. The following roles are available: * Author * Correspondin...
%ADDTOZONE{"head" id="leafletcss" text=" " }% %ADDTOZONE{ "script" text=" "}% %ADDTOZONE{ "script" text=" // create a map of Europe...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 15

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