Import data

You can use this field to enter numbers from external bibliographic databases in order to enable the automatic import of metadata for the publication.

If you have an identifier for your document (DOI, or an arXiv, WoS, Medline, Inspec, Biosis, or PubMed ID), enter it in this field.


If you have an ISBN instead, please enter it in the appropriate field.


Pressing the tab key or moving the cursor outside the field will automatically activate a search. The results will be shown after a brief wait.


Entering the data

The necessary data can usually be copied directly from the first page and pasted into the form. If your document has more than one ID, e.g. a DOI and an arXiv ID, you can enter one ID first, and then the second one after. Both identifiers will then be saved in the record.

  • doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2006.11.038 (The DOI can be found on the first page of the published article.) Alternatively, the DOI URL from the publisher's website can be used, e.g. is equivalent to the information above. Copying the URL is usually easier (select "Copy link target" from the context menu).
  • Using PubMed via the PubMed ID (PMID): PMID:20923669 as shown on the PubMed website if the article is listed on PubMed. There may be spaces between "=PMID:= " and the number. Alternatively, the URL of the article on the PubMed website can be used.
  • arXiv via the arXiv identifier: arxiv:hep-ph/0610431 oder arXiv:1112.5528 (If the preprint version was published on arXiv, you will find the necessary information on this website. Ignore the version number, i.e. the last part of the identifier beginning with a "v" – e.g. just enter "arXiv:1112.5528" instead of "arXiv:1112.5528v2")
  • Web of Science via the accession number: WOS:000243624600011
  • PPN from the GVK Common Union Catalogue: ppn:629686653
  • INSPIRE via the URL of the detailed view of the record on INSPIRE (e.g.=, alternatively: "inspire:1222716". Please use the INSPIRE import function for works in the field of high-energy physics (e.g. JACoW).
  • TECPUB via the Tecpub ID: tecpub:2705

INSPIRE and PubMed typically supply the most complete data. If your publications are listed in these databases, importing the data from there is strongly recommended.

You now need to make sure that the data displayed corresponds to your publication. If it is the same publication, simply select "Import" to transfer the data to the form. Please add any missing data to the form. If you used a DOI or an identifier from arXiv, WoS, Medline, Inspec, or Biosis, it will disappear from the import field after the data has been loaded. If the DOI was not automatically entered in the corresponding field on the lower part of the form, it must be manually entered in this field afterwards. If you entered an ISBN, it will be retained in the field. If the search result does not correspond to the publication that you want to submit, please select "Discard" and enter the information manually. If the system detects an existing entry based on the data found or based on the identifier, you will receive a corresponding notification. You can then cancel entering your record. Please verify whether the existing entry matches your reference number. Please do not ignore system warnings about duplicates. Click the link under "Potential duplicate record(s)" and use the "Request a correction" function to have the entry changed if applicable.

Reusing previously entered data

Using the record ID recid:12345 , you can reload data from an existing record. Certain values (such as the title, journal reference, etc.) are left empty on purpose. This import function is designed to make it easier to submit a larger number of documents from the same conference, for example.
  • Determining a publication from a preprint: preprint:12345 This import function transfers as much data as possible from the existing document record including title, reference, etc. A link between the preprint and the publication is also created.
  • Linking several entries: To interlink several entries, use " join:12345 ". Some conferences have started introducing "new" formats consisting of several known publication types e.g. a talk combined with a poster as well as a corresponding abstract in a journal. These new formats have different designations ("PICO", "PowerPoster", etc.). The join import function can be used to easily create the individual elements from an initial entry.
  • Linking parts of a work to the complete work: To link entries to a complete work, for example, chapters to a book or individual papers to a proceedings volume, use part:12345.
  • Linking entries without copying data: If you just want to create a link between entries, without copying any data from the source data record to the current entry, use " justlink:12345 " (e.g. for links between research data and a publication).

Please note: The record ID is shown in the detailed view of the record. It corresponds to the number at the end of the URL (e.g. " "). Instead of the record ID, you can also use the record identifier, e.g. FZJ-2014-00123, PUBDB-2014-02324.

Link-building between publication entry and dataset/software entry

In order to create a link between the publication entry and the dataset/software entry, please copy the record number (number after .../record/ in the URL of the detailed display of the entry) of one entry into the import field of the other entry in this way justlink:12345 . The links are then written in both entries; the linking itself only becomes visible after the system has processed the data records.
Topic revision: r22 - 2022-08-12, KatrinGrosse - This page was cached on 2024-10-22 - 16:09.

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