RWTH Aachen University


To use all the functions of RWTH Publications, you will need your personal RWTH ID (TIM) and the corresponding password. The RWTH ID (TIM) consists your initials and six digits. Your RWTH ID (TIM) can also be used to access our database from external locations. If you have forgotten your RWTH ID (TIM) and/or password, please enquire at the IT-ServiceDesk. The IT-ServiceDesk staff are responsible for all matters relating to your credentials. Please only use your own credentials when submitting an entry to RWTH Publications. Sharing this data or your password is a violation of the Terms of Use of the RWTH data network. Please note: To make your publications visible worldwide, searching the RWTH Publications data pool is enabled for everyone, even from external locations. No credentials are needed for this function.

-- EdWo - 13 May 2016 * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = InvenioGroup
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-09-04, ManuelFormela - This page was cached on 2025-02-12 - 12:20.

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