Uploading the full text

You can upload the full text of your publication here. In most cases, the author's version of the full text, i.e. the post-referee version accepted for publication, can be published a second time (self-archiving). If the rightsholder permits worldwide visibility, you will have two advantages: it will be much easier to use the document, and your research will be much more visible. Once you upload the author's version, we will check whether the rightsholder permits it to be made visible worldwide.

By specifying in the field available for notes to the library ("Additional information/general notes") that you wish the document to be published and by uploading the full text, you consent to the publication of your document in the open-access repository (after an embargo period if applicable), unless there are conflicting third-party rights.

If possible, we will then publish the full text (after the embargo period if applicable). If you do not wish the text to be published a second time, please let us know in the field available for notes to the library ("Additional information/general notes").
Topic revision: r12 - 2021-06-30, IrinaFilozova - This page was cached on 2025-03-13 - 11:47.

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