Open Access

Information on the publication fund of Forschungszentrums Jülich: FZJ publikation fund

GSI has no publication fund.

The DESY Library is responsible for the DESY publication fund. Open Access publication in (non-hybrid) Open Access journals are paid by the library provided there is no additional funding available Open Access @ DESY


English GUI

The system supports various languages, and at least an english user interface. To switch languages the system tries to evaluate the browsers default language setting. However, using the links on the bottom of the page can also force it to other languages.

Please note that despite of it's name the simple search is the most powerful way to find information on the system. In the simplest form it offers a search comparable to large search engines.

Please note that due to the availability of a full featured query language (follwoing the syntax of Google) Advanced Search is actually deprecated. All features and much more like unlimited boolean operators, bracketing, field wise searching without limitations of fields are available in simple search. For a full description please refer to the "Search guide"


Contact Information



Citation Guidelines

Due to the large numbers of communities a general citation guidelines can not easily be given. However, all articles can be exported to BibTeX, RIS and EndNote-formats easily, so formatting can be done with suitable and well established tools. Especially, RIS and EndNote formats are supported by many reference management tools so these formats do not refer to the commercial products of the same name.

The brief display as well as the detailed display contain samples for proper citation.

If persistend identifiers (like doi, urn, handle etc.) are available for the publication in question an advise is given to the user to use them in citation.

Standardized usage statistics

non-existent / unknown

Non-standardized usage statistics

Standardized usage statistics

non-existent / unknown

Non-standardized usage statistics

Enhanced Publications

Publications can be link to each other, e.g. a conference presentation and the corresponding contribution to a conference proceedings or a preprint to the finally published article.

Link to each other:

If addititional persistend ids are known for a record they are presented as links for easy resolution (doi, handle, urn, Web of Science). There is currently no format restriction on the content enforced.

Bibliographic Export

Each record might be exported in multiple bibliographic formats, e.g., BibTeX, Endnote XML, RIS. Export links are found on the bottom of each bibliographic record.

Social Networks

Each record might be shard in social networks, e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. These links are found on the bottom of each bibliographic record.

RSS feed

RSS feeds are available on basis of the whole repository as such as well as on defined queries. They can be retrieved on the bottom of any search page for arbitrarily complex queries and subscribed easily form there.

RSS feed for the whole repository:

Cover page

Cover pages are stored in the Files section. They are generated automatically for all full texts available upon ingestion.

Mobile format

An explicit mobile friendly version is under development.


Author ID

Authors are uniquely assigned by local IDs. This allows, e.g., the export of personal publication lists for web sites as well as queries for publications of a given author.

Additionally, the repository supports external author IDs, e.g., InspireID, ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID. These IDs can be stored in author authority records and are used to link automatically between an author and a publication during data import, in case the import source provides one of the IDs, e.g. Inspire, DOI.

Funder Compliance

The obtained data are following the rules of Helmholtz foundation according to the requirements „Programmorientierte Förderung“ (POF). Additional grants can be included and assigned. Grants from EU programs of FP7 or HORIZON2020 will prepared automatically by the syestem and present as soon as they show up at OpenAIRE. The required report to OpenAIRE occurs fully automatically respecting the rules of the EU (OpenAIRE Compliance, Level 3 for repositories).

Besides the technical compliance ensured by JOIN², to comply to funder requirements it is imperative to submit publications as soon as possible. This is even more important for funders gathering information from the grantees in automatized procedures (aka harvesting) as non of the repositories can force-initiate harvesting nor does it have any influence on the harvesting frequency.


The repository complies the OAIS-Model for long-term archiving. Documents are archived and version-controlled. Previous versions of the documents are preserved. If several versions of a document exist they are accessible via the files tab.

Classification available

An automatic classification following DDC is performed for journal articles according to the classification of the respective journal (normally the first three classification levels of DDC). The systems support additional classification systems, but manual curation is subjected to resources available.


Open content licenses

The system supports the usual Open Access licenses, Creative Commons Licenses and other. An enhancement is possible at any time. For Open Access documents, the known license is declared in the metadata and is provided via OAI.

Linked Open Data (LoD ready)

Right now the system does not expose it's data in common linked data formats. Support for these serializations is right under development with our partners at CERN.

Additional Standard API

The system exposes collections via OAI-PMH for easy harvesting and spread of contents. The individual HTML pages incorporate microformats according to Meta tags in details pages conform to requirements by the large search engines.

Meta Data Licensing Information (CC0)

All metadata of the repository is CC0 licensed in is available in the state-of-the-art format Marc21 format as MarcXML. If suitable also a DC serialization is available (Though it's use for authority records is very limited, please refert to the Marc format in these cases.)

Long-term preservation

-- AlexanderWagner - 24 Jun 2015
Topic revision: r24 - 2017-10-13, AlexanderWagner - This page was cached on 2025-03-10 - 06:52.

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