POF IV topic

This is where you enter all the PoF topic(s) that are relevant to the publication. The primary topic should be listed first, as publications are sometimes just assigned to the first topic listed within the scope of PoF evaluations.

https://join2-wiki.gsi.de/foswiki/bin/view/Main/POFLists provides an overview of all topics, programmes, and research fields.

Typing part of the name or the number of the topic in question will shorten the list.

Please note that a distinction is made between whether your colleagues perform measurements themselves ("in-house research" = Performance category 1 = LK1) or whether you make equipment available for colleagues from other institutions and supervise their use of it ("user operation" = Performance category 2 = LK2). User-operation categories contain a "G" in the topic number. Please note that it is not sufficient to assign "G" topics only to "in-house research" projects; you will have to assign at least one other topic beforehand.
Topic revision: r12 - 2023-02-03, RobertThiele - This page was cached on 2025-03-12 - 07:25.

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