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English Version Russian Version Grant / Proposal number (Name der Finanzierung, des Projekts) Hier wird die Bezeichnung aller für die Publikation relevanten Gran...
English Version Deutsche Version Grant / Proposal number (Name der Finanzierung, des Projekts) В это поле вводятся любые гранты, финансирующие программы и проект...
Deutsche Version Document types * Abstract * Additional information/general notes * Authors(s) and other contributor(s) * Classification number ...
Document types * Abstract * Additional information/general notes * Authors(s) and other contributor(s) * Classification number * Conference acronym...
English Version Dokumenttypen * Abstract * Additional information/general notes * Authors(s) and other contributor(s) * Classification number * ...
Login DESY User: * Log in to pubdb using you Windows/U*IX login DOOR User * Log in to DOOR using your DOOR Id and password * Scroll down to After Bea...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 7
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